There are sixteen types and I will now attempt to remember them all without using Google. INTP, ENFP, ESFJ, ESTP, INTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISTP, ENTJ, ENTP, ESFP, ISFP, ESTJ, ISFJ, ENFJ. That's all of them. I think. There are sixteen listed there and hopefully I didn't just repeat stuff. If I missed a type then sorry. Don't kill me. I don't want to die again. Dying is not an experience I want to relive.
Each of those letters mean something. Extrovert, Introvert, iNtuition, Sensing, Thinking, Feeling, Perceiving, and Judging. Extroverts feel energized around people but social events drain introverts. Like vampires sucking blood socializing sucks away an introvert's energy. I'm not even going to bother with explaining sensing and intuition. Something to do with stuff. Go Google it. Google is useful for this stuff. Google knows everything. Google is like a know-it-all stalker. I should go back to talking about MBTI. Thinking is making decisions with logic like a Vulcan. Except Thinkers aren't emotionless. We have emotions too you know. Feelers make decisions based on emotions. Not always but they're more likely to make an impulsive decision based on their emotions. But even if they're more emotional than thinkers that doesn't make them idiots. Feelers are smart too. Most of the time. Perceivers tend to procrastinate and don't like having a scheduled or planning everything. Judgers plan stuff and stuff like that. Now, don't base what type you are just on what the letters mean. Yeah, that's a start but each type have different traits and stuff. This site is a good one to use to find out your type: 16personalities.com.
Each type is different. They all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some people don't fit nicely into one type and may belong to several different types. They're like Divergent or something.
I am INTP and despite the stereotype for INTPs being really good at math and stuff like that I totally suck at math. *burns math* The type stereotypes are often wrong or at least they don't apply to every single person with that type. If they did I'd be an emotionless atheist genius who dislikes being around people. So just because the internet says all ENFPs are brainless doesn't make it true. Because it isn't. I know a bunch of really smart ENFPs. They are overly huggy though. If you're allergic to hugs avoid them and ESFJs. Both those types generally like hugging people.
So that's MBTI. I might do posts about each type eventually. Maybe. Possibly. It might one day happen. Hopefully. But anyways, hope you enjoyed this lovely unedited post. Farewell humanoids. *vanishes in a cloud of hamsters*